Slovenian Beekeeping on April 9th

Kearsarge Beekeeper’s Association


A Slovenian Beekeeping Presentation

By Suzanne Brouillette

Sugarloaf Beehive

  • A Raffle of 2 Beehives with Bees
  • Come and join us at our club meeting at the Warner Town hall (downstairs) On Saturday, April 9 from 9-11 am
  • Ask any questions you may have about beekeeping

You are invited to hear about the beautiful Slovene AZ hives that are worked from the rear and are usually kept in a house or shed.

These hives are different from our traditional hives in that there is no heavy lifting while managing your bees. As a bonus we are raising two nucs that will each be installed into a one story hive with a bottom board and top cover.

These bees are from local bee supplier Kevin Sargent from Newport and the hives are donated by Bill and Linda Tracy of Webster.

There will be light refreshments to enjoy at the meeting.  Visit for any additional information or call Barbara at 927-4965