Join us at the club apiary for KBA’s first HOWS of the 2024 season! Bam and Amelia will be presenting the “Winter Hive Survival Survey”. Navigate to the events page for more information.
March 9th Meeting
We look forward to reconnecting at the next club meeting! Please note, the time and location will be the Pillsbury Library beginning at 9:15am. Please check the events page for additional information.
January 13th Meeting
Today’s meeting will be in a hybrid format due to the weather. Check your email for the zoom meeting information, or drive carefully. See you soon!
2023 Harvest Dinner 11/10 at 5pm
KBA Harvest Dinner
Friday, November 10th
The annual harvest dinner is just a few days away on Friday, November 10th. Social hour begins at 5 pm with a potluck dinner to follow at 6 pm. Bring a dish to share and your choice of beverage. Please bring a raffle item and a jar of your finest honey for the honey-tasting contest. Contestants must arrive before 6 pm to join the competition.
We look forward to spending time with you all and sharing great food, lots of laughs, and many stories about our honey bees!
2023 NHBA Fall Meeting 10/21
with Dr. Jon Zawislak, 9am – 2pm at the Rockingham Ballroom, Newmarket, NH
KBA Club Meeting 10/14
Join us at 9:00 am at the Warner Town Hall. There will be a presentation by Heather Achilles following the business meeting. Hope to see you there!
KBA Picnic 7/15/23
The club picnic is this weekend at the apiary! The picnic begins at 10am unless you are participating in the smoker contest which begins at 9am. The club has plenty of smokers so you don’t need to bring one to participate. Rain date is 7/16/23. Please check your email for further details. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Upcoming HOWS 6/17 9am
Member Eric DeKing will be lecturing at the club apiary on hive management during the summer nectar dearth.
Upcoming HOWS 6/3 at 9am
BAM will be conducting a demonstration on single brood hive management at the club apiary. Don’t forget your bee suit so you can help out with the inspections!
Upcoming Meeting 5/13
9:00am at Warner Town Hall. The KBA t-shirt orders are in and will be available for pick up. Please bring cash or check.