Upcoming KBA Events…..

Wednesday, July 26, Kevin Sargent will be talking about the do’s and don’ts of setting up an electric fence around your bee hives as well as honey extracting.
Wednesday, Aug. 9 and Wednesday, Aug. 23.  The subjects are open!  Bring questions; there are no dumb questions.  Are there experienced members out there who could please come and lead a discussion or be part of a “panel” to field questions? The focus is on helping new beekeepers, but we all can learn new ways, and “bee talk” is always good.
Wednesday meetings are from 6 pm to approx. 8 pm.  Rain date would be the following day.  The apiary address is:  223 North Road, Sunapee.  Directions are in the May/June newsletter  Bring veils.
Saturday, Aug. 12, 9-11 a.m. is our regular meeting date and that will also be held at the KBA apiary in Sunapee.  Watch for the July/August newsletter for more details.
More info needed?  Contact Kevin at [email protected], or John Chadwick at [email protected].