KBA’s Very Own Newsletter for June 2019 is now available. Just Click HERE
May (2019) Meeting Agenda
- Call to order
- Reading of minutes from April meeting
- Questions
- Corrections
- Vote to accept
- Treasurers Report
- Officers reports
- Secretary
- Vice President
- President
- Committee Reports
- Apiary
- Featured Speaker Sam Comfort
- Next Meeting June 8th at the Warner Town Hall
- Adjournment
May Newletter Bee Here!
Sam Comfort coming to the KBA
When? May 11th 9AM
Where? Newport Jr. Sr. High School
Who is invited? Everyone
How much? Free to current KBA members. $10 for non KBA members
Please join us on Saturday, May 11th as we welcome Sam Comfort of Anarchy Apiaries. Sam is an amazing beekeeper and an average ukulele player. You won’t bee disappointed.

April Meeting Agenda
Kearsarge Beekeepers April 2018
1: Call to order
2: Review March minutes a: Corrections, questions, vote to accept
3: Officer Reports a: Treasurer b: Secretary c: Vice President d: President
4: Committee Reports a: Club Apiary
5: New Business a: Website (Kim Pease) b: July BBQ 1: Set Date 2: Set Location 3: Form committee
6: Fencing presentation by Wellscroft Fencing
7: Next meeting May 11th Featured speaker Sam Comfort!
NH Winter Loss Survey
You can find the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NH2019HiveLoss. We will be collecting data through 4/30.
If you’ve taken the survey in the past, you’ll find that most of the questions are the same. We just tweaked a few to make them clearer. Also, I’ve added a few towns in MA & VT in the “location” question.
The survey is open to all beekeepers in the state – you do not need to be part of NHBA to participate. The results will be published on the NHBA website in June.
We will be giving away a 1 year membership to the NHBA to one lucky survey participant. In addition, the NH Bee club who has the largest percentage of membership participation will win $50 toward refreshments at a future meeting.
If you have questions or would prefer to submit your information over the phone or by paper, please contact Heather Achilles ([email protected]; 603-767-8155)
Video of “Setting Up Your Hive” with Troy Hall
From the KBA Meeting on March 9th, 2019
Click HERE to view the video
March Meeting – Change in Venue!
What: March Meeting
When: Saturday, March 9th, 9AM
Where: Newport Junior/Senior High School @ 245 N Main St, Newport, NH
Speaker: Troy Hall of Hall Apiaries
KBA Newsletter: February / March 2019
Click on the above link to view the Newsletter
We Count on Bees, but Can Bees Count?
An interesting article (click above) suggesting that bees may be able to add and subtract. It may be that this is simply an example sequential pattern recognition, but worth considering the argument that bees can do math.