And so it begins!

For several years I have been looking for a cheap, quick, cheap, easy, cheap, standard, cheap way to design websites…. oh, did I mention cheap?

I am not a designer by any means, but I enjoy tinkering on-line. There are also several websites I maintain (including my own at ) and I’d really wanted to have a standard desing interface; Some websites are on google sites, one on WebEasy, this one in Incomedia X5…. yikes! My head spins just thinking about it.

Then one day I stumble on WordPress. Suddenly I realize I can design professional websites for FREE! And I have a standard interface, and keep them on wordpress or on my local host, depending if I want to pay for host services or not.

And so it has begun…. my goal is to transfer the old website to here. This may take a month or so, but it will happen, because even cheap isn’t worth it if it isn’t used!

– Mike Bellino KBA Webmaster