Reminder: Bee School Planning Meeting this Friday 12/7

Bill MacDonald asked me to send this email to remind you that there is a 2013 Bee School Planning Committee meeting this Friday, December 7th at 7:00 at the Pillsbury Library in Warner.  Bill is heading up the school this year which will take place in February and March 2013.  Please consider helping out in any way.  There are lots of activities to fill. The club offers the school every other year.  This is a good opportunity for new beekeepers to learn from us about beekeeping before ordering spring packages.   Please let Bill know if you’ll be at the meeting on Friday or if you are willing to volunteer your time.  Bill’s phone # is:  863-4012

Also, the next club meeting is Saturday, January 12th, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at the Pillsbury Library in Warner.  
I’ll be sending out the January newsletter soon.
Janet Eklund
KBA Secretary