HOWS: (Hands-on Workshop Series) @ KBA Apiary, 223 North Road, Sunapee, NH
All workshops are Wednesday evenings, 6-8 p.m. (Rain postpones to following day)
- Here is the schedule of workshops through Aug. 1:
- June 6: Hive inspections/Questions/ Apiary Maintenance
- June 13: Hive inspections/Questions/ Apiary Maintenance
- June 20: Queen Marking and Wing Clipping
- June 27: Mid-summer Mite Treatment and Honey Flow/Harvesting Honey
- Speaker: Dana Ramspott
- July 11: Hive Inspections/Questions/ Apiary Maintenance
- July18: Honey Harvesting
- Speaker: Dana Ramspott
- July 25: Hive Inspections/Questions/ Apiary Maintenance
- August 1: Summer Dearth/What to Do
- Speaker: Eric Deking
For map and directions to KBA apiary, please see May 2018 newsletter available on our website.