New Diagnostic Network Helps N.H. Beekeepers Understand Honey Bee Health

Matt Coughlan

NH Honey Bee Diagnostic Network can analyze bees for Nosema infections

Beekeepers in New Hampshire have a new resource to help better understand the health of their honey bees. The NH Honey Bee Diagnostic Network (NHHBDN) is a group of dedicated volunteers who have been trained how to analyze honey bees for infections of Nosema, a disease that contributes to colony losses.

Nosema is a disease that affects the overall health of honey bees by attacking their digestive system. Since the disease lives as microscopic spores in the bee’s gut, where it attacks healthy cells, microscopes are necessary to diagnose this disease properly. Granite State beekeepers can submit samples of their honey bees to NHHBDN for analysis. The diagnostic network’s trained volunteers will look for the presence of Nosema and can recommend treatment, if appropriate. The network also helps N.H. beekeepers and others develop a better picture of Nosema’s presence throughout the state.

“There are so many factors that can negatively affect honey bees, and New Hampshire has seen very high hive loss rates over the past couple years,” says Matt Coughlan, a New Hampshire Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program Assistant for UNH Cooperative Extension. “This new network provides an important tool for beekeepers to understand what’s happening in their hives beyond what they can visually observe.”

NHHBDN offers nosema screenings at no cost. The diagnostic network’s website,, includes information on how to collect and submit samples.

The NH Honey Bee Diagnostic Network also aims to connect new and established beekeepers with clubs and organizations in their counties and across the state. The network’s website includes information on local beekeeping clubs, “bee schools” for beginners and other resources.

“Connecting with a local club is the best way to learn and expand your resources. It’s more important than ever to manage our bees consistently throughout a region to reduce passing infections from one hive to others nearby,” Coughlan says.

The NH Honey Bee Diagnostic Network is a collaboration between UNH Cooperative Extension and the New Hampshire Beekeepers Association and is made possible by a 2017 Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Professional Development Program grant. SARE offers competitive grants to projects that explore and address key issues affecting the sustainability and future economic viability of agriculture. Northeast SARE is a regional program of the nationwide SARE effort; SARE is part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Change of date

The hiving of the packages, scheduled for today, April 30, 2018 has been moved to Tuesday May 1 at 4 pm. See you there.

Map to the KBA apiary

Remember! We have a hiving of packages on 4/30/18 at 4 pm. Bring your veils and join in the fun.



Found! The Lost March Newsletter!

After the safari across Africa, scaling Mt. Everest, searching every nook and cranny of an active volcano, surviving the cold at the North Pole (with Santa’s permission) I found the March KBA NEWSLETTER!

(Or, perhaps I just didn’t post it when I should have?)

Without Further Ado: KBA newsletter Feb Mar 2018

And next time, I’ll just post it when Barbara sends it my way so I don’t have to scour the entire earth only to find it in my e-mail in-box. OK? OK!

~ Mike Bellino, KBA Webmaster

January meeting postponed & rescheduled

Due to the continued bad (and worse) weather that is expected for Saturday the 13, the Bee Club meeting has been postponed.  We will meet Saturday, January 20 at the Pillsbury Library, Main Street, Warner at 9:00 a.m.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and attendance will be good for the election, discussion of 2018 bee school, planning, etc.



At the NORTH SUTTON CHURCH, on Rt. 114 

(Exit 10 I-89, follow signs to Wadleigh State Park, church is on the corner opposite Vernondale Store.   Entrance in rear.) 

Please RSVP to David & Linda Hartman by Wed., Nov. 8.  Ph. 456-3881

Or email:  davidehartman <<AT>>  Let them know what you would like to bring or get suggestions.  Turkeys, gravy and mashed potatoes are already spoken for.  Set up starts 5-5:15; let Linda know if you can help out with set-up or clean-up.

Please also BRING RAFFLE ITEMS (no junk) and a JAR OF HONEY for our 2nd annual Honey Tasting Contest!

Families and guests welcome