March 8th at 10:00AM at Warner Library
NEW or RENEW your KBA Membership?
The 2014 Dues are $15 (SUCH a Deal!) and the 2014 membership form (below) with dues should be set to:
Robin Gray
P.O.Box 275
NH 03278
Please print and complete the form below and include with your Dues:
Hi-Tech Bees
The bees are attached to little RFID antennas so that scientist can track their movements:

January Meeting
Next KBA Meeting is Saturday January 11th, 10AM to Noon at the Pillsbury Public Library in Warner, NH.
Annual KBA Holiday Potluck: RSVP by November 1st!
Potluck Supper!
- Friday, November 8th, 6PM
- East Andover Grange, Rt. 11
- RSVP to Linda Hartman by November 1st: 456-3881
- Tell Linda what you are bringing (salad, dessert, appetizer, starch, vegetable, etc.)
- Volunteer to help Linda Hartman and Cynthia Hayes set up (call Linda)
- Bring raffle items!
- Turkey and trimmings provided by Peter Zak & Mary Lloyd-Evans
(Next club meeting—Saturday, January 11, 2014 10:30 a.m. to noon Pillsbury Library, Warner)
November Newsletter
The November Newsletter is here…. Please read the timely information about the KBA Holiday Potluck on November 8th!
Connecticut Beekeepers’ Fall Conference
Connecticut Beekeepers Association’s fall conference, SNEBA on November 23rd at the Groton Inn and Suites in Groton, CT.
Our speakers this year are Gary Reuter, Phil Craft and Larry Connor.
The cost is $50 before October 31st and $65 after. This includes lunch and breaks. Information is available from and online registration at
September Newsletter
Eye of the BEE-holder
A short video explaining how flowers look very different to bees than humans.
KBA Summer Picnic
Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:00 p.m.
BBQ and Potluck (bring a dish)
Home of Alan & Sally Carruth
Camel Hump Road, Newport
RSVP please to:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (603) 863-7064
(See June 2013 newsletter for directions)